Antonin CHEYMOL's PhD

Antonin CHEYMOL’s PhD is entitled “Body-based User Interfaces”, and started on November 1sr 2021. It is co-directed by Ferran ARGELAGUET (40%) and by myself (50%). Antonin is also supervised by Anatole LÉCUYER and Rebecca FRIBOURG.
In his Phd Thesis, Antonin CHEYMOL will tackle body-based interfaces and how they will impact interaction in Mixed Reality.
- [Cheymol et al. 2022] A. CHEYMOL, R. FRIBOURG, N. OGAWA, A. LÉCUYER, Y. HIRAO, T. NARUMI, F. ARGELAGUET, J.-M. NORMAND. “Studying the Role of Self and External Touch in the Appropriation of Dysmorphic Hands”. In IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2022), Orlando, Singapore, 2022. doi:10.1109/ISMAR55827.2022.00024