Jean-Marie Normand

Jean-Marie Normand

Associate Professor in Virtual/Augmented Reality

École Centrale de Nantes

Since September 1st 2023, Jean-Marie Normand is Professor of Computer Science at École Centrale de Nantes (ECN), France, in the Mathematics, Computer Science and Biology Department and in the LS2N UMR CNRS 6004 laboratory in the PACCE Team. He is also a member of the Inria Hybrid Team in Rennes. His research interests include perception and interaction in Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR).

He is Deputy Dean of Studies at ECN where he is in charge of the 2nd and 3rd year Engineering students (equivalent to M1/M2 students). He is also the Head of the Virtual Reality major at ECN.

Jean-Marie Normand received his Habilitation (French HDR) in December 2021, entitled: “Contribution to the study of Perception in Mixed Reality”.


École Centrale de Nantes & LS2N UMR CNRS 6004 laboratory (PACCE team)
Full Professor
September 2023 – Present Nantes, France

Research in Virtual/Augmented/Mixed Reality, including:

  • Virtual Embodiment
  • Perception in VR/AR/MR
  • Interaction in VR/AR/MR

Teaching in the Mathematics, Computer Science & Biology Department

  • Head of the VR major, teaching
    • Realtime Computer Graphics
    • Fundamentals of VR/AR
    • Computer Vision
  • Teaching in the Information Systems major
    • Object-Oriented Programming in Java
    • Web Programming
Nantes Université
Habilitation (French Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches)
December 2021 – December 2021 Nantes, France

Title: “Contribution to the study of Perception in Mixed Reality”
Defended on: 2021/12/17

  • President: Damien CHABLAT, CNRS (France)
  • Reviewers:
    • Pr. Dominique BECHMANN, Université de Strasbourg (France)
    • Pr. Géry CASIEZ, Université de Lille (France)
    • Pr. Thierry DUVAL, IMT Atlantique (France)
  • Examiners:
    • Pr. Pascal GUITTON, Université de Bordeaux (France)
    • Pr. Guillaume MOREAU, IMT Atlantique (France)
    • Pr. Nassir NAVAB, Technische Universität München (Germany)
École Centrale de Nantes & AAU UMR CNRS 1563 laboratory
Associate Professor
September 2017 – August 2022 Nantes, France

Research in Virtual/Augmented/Mixed Reality, including:

  • Virtual Embodiment
  • Perception in VR/AR/MR
  • Interaction in VR/AR/MR

Teaching in the Mathematics, Computer Science & Biology Department

  • Head of the VR major, teaching
    • Realtime Computer Graphics
    • Fundamentals of VR/AR
    • Computer Vision
  • Teaching in the Information Systems major
    • Object-Oriented Programming in Java
    • Web Programming
École Centrale de Nantes & AAU UMR CNRS 1563 laboratory
Project Assistant Professor
September 2012 – August 2017 Nantes, France

Position equivalent to an Assistant Professor position but the research part is funded on Research contracts.
Research in Virtual/Augmented Reality, including:

  • Augmented Reality applied to Industrial Maintenance
  • Augmented Reality applied to BIM/construction management
  • Augmented Reality on Smartphones
  • Virtualization of large Virtual Reality facilities

Teaching in the Computer Science & Mathematics Department

  • Co-Head of the VR major, teaches
    • Realtime Computer Graphics
    • Fundamentals of VR/AR
    • Computer Vision
  • Teaching in the Information Systems major
    • Object-Oriented Programming in Java
    • Web Programming
  • Teaching in the Engineering Program (1st year)
    • Introduction to algorithms and imperative programming (C)
Universitat de Barcelona & event-lab
Post-doctoral Researcher
February 2009 – February 2011 Barcelona, Spain

Post-doctoral Researcher in Virtual Reality.

  • UB Team Leader on the BEAMING FP7 European Project: “Beaming through augmented media for natural networked gatherings”
  • UB Team Member in the Immersence FP6 European Project: “IMMERsive multi-modal interactive preSENCE”
  • UB Team Member in the PRESENCCIA Integrated Project of the FP6 framework: “Presence: Research Encompassing Sensory Enhancement, Neuroscience, Cerebral-Computer Interfaces and Applications”
Université de Nantes & LINA UMR CNRS 6241
Research & Teaching Assistant (French ATER)
October 2007 – February 2009 Nantes, France
Full-time position (192h eq. TD) in 2008-2009 (until Feb.)
Part-time position (96h eq. TD) in 2007-2008
Teaching in the Computer Science Department
Research in the Constraints Team of the LINA laboratory
Université de Nantes
PhD in Computer Science
January 2008 – January 2008 Nantes, France

Title: “Virtual Camera Control”
Defended on: 2008/01/29

  • President: Stéphane DONIKIAN, CNRS (France)
  • Reviewers:
    • Pr. Michel RUEHER, Université Nice Sophia-Antipolis (France)
    • Dr. Pere-Pau VAZQUEZ, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (Spain)
  • PhD Director: Pr. Frédéric BENHAMOU, Université de Nantes (France)
  • PhD Advisor: Dr. Marc CHRISTIE, Université de Nantes (France)
Université de Nantes & LINA UMR CNRS 6241
PhD Student, grant from the French Higher Education and Research ministry
October 2004 – September 2007 Nantes, France
Research in the Constraints Team of the LINA laboratory
Teaching in the Computer Science Department


ICAT-EGVE 2022 Best Paper Award for “Manipulating the Sense of Embodiment in Virtual Reality: a study of the interactions between the senses of agency, self-location and ownership” by Martin Guy, Camille Jeunet-Kelway, Guillaume Moreau and Jean-Marie Normand
See certificate
Program Chair
Program Chair of ICAT-EGVE 2022, the joint international conference of the 32nd International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence & the 27th Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments.
See certificate
Deputy Dean of Studies, in charge of the M1/M2 students of the Engineering Program at ECN.
See certificate
IEEE VR 2019 Best Conference Paper Award for “Virtual Objects Look Farther on the Sides: The Anisotropy of Distance Perception in Virtual Reality” by Étienne Peillard, Thomas Thebaud, Jean-Marie Normand, Ferran Argelaguet Sanz, Guillaume Moreau and Anatole Lécuyer
See certificate

Head of the VR major at ECN (~25 M1/M2 students/year)

Major of around 450h eq. TD of classes related to VR/AR (including Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, 3D Interaction)

See certificate
CP 2008 Fourteenth International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, Best Student Paper Award for “A Branch and Bound Algorithm for Numerical MAX-CSP” by Jean-Marie Normand, Alexandre Goldsztejn, Marc Christie, and Frédéric Benhamou
See certificate


Antonin CHEYMOL’s PhD
Robust point pattern matching for Augmented Reality.
Antonin CHEYMOL's PhD
The use of VR to perform Marketing studies on consumer behavior and product perception applied to fruits and vegetables in virtual supermarkets.
Étienne PEILLARD’s PhD
Toward a Characterization of Perceptual Biases in Mixed Reality – A Study of Factors Inducing Distance Misperception.
Étienne PEILLARD's PhD
GHOST – Coupling Brain-Computer Interfaces with Virtual Reality to deliver neurofeedback to patients’ suffering from neuropathic diseases
This project is a joint project between École Centrale de Nantes (Jean-Marie NORMAND, Saïd MOUSSAOUI) and Nantes’ Hospital (CHU de Nantes, Vincent ROUALDES, Aurélien VAN LANGHENHOVE).
GHOST -- Coupling Brain-Computer Interfaces with Virtual Reality to deliver neurofeedback to patients' suffering from neuropathic diseases
Liming YANG’s PhD
Robust point pattern matching for Augmented Reality.
Liming YANG's PhD
Martin GUY’s PhD
Evaluation and Manipulation of Virtual Embodiment.
Martin GUY's PhD
Mohamed OUTAHAR’s PhD
Combining direct and indirect visual SLAM in an industrial environment.
Mohamed OUTAHAR's PhD
Nicolas FOURRIER’s PhD
Collaborative and Interactive Ship Layout in Virtual Reality.
Nicolas FOURRIER's PhD
Olivier ROUPIN’s PhD
Geometric change detection in 3D models, model update and application to mixed reality experiences.
Olivier ROUPIN's PhD
The experience of nature in virtual urban environments – analyses and applications in the design of sustainable urban projects.
SurréARisme – Exploring Perceptual Realism in Mixed Reality using Novel Near-Eye Display Technologies
This PHC SAKURA project is a joint project between École Centrale de Nantes (Jean-Marie NORMAND), The University of Tokyo (Yuta ITOH) and IMT Atlantique (Étienne PEILLARD, Guillaume MOREAU).
SurréARisme -- Exploring Perceptual Realism in Mixed Reality using Novel Near-Eye Display Technologies

Recent Publications

Quickly discover relevant content by filtering publications.
(2023). Handwriting for Efficient Text Entry in Industrial VR Applications. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Graphics.

Cite DOI

(2022). Apport de la réalité augmentée comme aide technologique pour le maintien de l'autonomie de personnes présentant une maladie neurologique: revue narrative de la littérature. Ergothérapies.

Cite URL

(2022). A Systematic Review of Navigation Assistance Systems for People with Dementia. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.


(2022). eXtended Reality for Cultural Heritage. Handbook of Cultural Heritage Analysis.


(2021). Direct and Indirect vSLAM Fusion for Augmented Reality. Journal of Imaging.

